The Editorial Approach, a Key Aspect of Native Advertising

Benjamin Carro

In charge of Webmarketing at Powerspace, Native Advertising platform for newsletter.

12 January 2017

In all on- and offline ad channels, the message is the most important element of a campaign’s success, regardless of your goals and KPIs.

In native advertising, ad formats offer fewer creative possibilities than videos, banners or even email. The final render of a native creative is even designed to match the editor’s graphic charter, not that of the brands.

The advertiser can only edit the creative elements which compose the final ad, i.e. image and various text elements. Even though specifications may vary according to each platform, creative elements are usually quite standard.

This creative limitation doesn’t make the message any less important. On the contrary, the editorial and content theme, text elements and the impact of the image are key to standing out in a format that looks the same for all advertisers.

Adopt an Editorial or Informative Approach

Users are less and less sensitive to regular promotional communications; Except for remarketing strategies or accurately targeted campaigns, using editorial communication for a product or service (content marketing) will always be more efficient in terms of reactivity and engagement.

“Don’t speak about price, purchase, commitment. Your prospects would run away. Use a lighter, editorial and more informative content to engage the relationship with your future clients.”

Content marketing performs better. This is especially true for native advertising, as formats are particularly suitable for an informative approach. Favor editorial, explanatory, informative, light and unintrusive content to catch your target audience’s attention and engage it through the quality of your content.

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